Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Leg Workouts

Working out every part of your body is very important. I am going to focus on just your legs for this blog post, and excersizes that you can do without equipment.

1. Running - Running is a great workout for not JUST your legs, but your whole body. A quick run before your workout can get your heart rate up and burns lots of calories. It is a great warm up.

2. Squats- Squats work out almost every muscle in your legs. To do these, keep your back straight, hands at your side, and slowly lower your body by bending at the knees. Raise yourself up and exhale. Your feet should be approximately shoulder width apart. As these get easier over time, you can start making your reps longer.
- do not allow your knees to extend over your toes
- keep your abs contracted

3. Leg Curls- Sitting straight on a chair, lift your legs to where they become parallel to the floor,and then lower them again. This will eventually get easier over time, and when this happens you can put weights around your ankles to add more weight.

4. Lunges- stand in a split stance with one leg forward and one leg backwards. Slowly bed the back knee to the floor, but in the process keep both legs at a 90 degree angle.
- Keep your front knee behind your toes
- Keep your abs contracted

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