Monday, January 31, 2011

Lunch Meal Plan

Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, having a full lunch is very important to keep you going!

A nice salad is a great thing to have at lunch. My suggestion would be a mixed greens salad, or baby spinach. Some good dressings that are low in calories are balsamic dressing, oil and vinegar, catalina, or even a raspberry vinegrette. There are many choices you can have when making a salad, that can keep it different and exciting everytime. You can add different veggies and fruits to it, such as cucumbers, carrots, or broccoli.

Image: Catherine Hadler /

Another option would be a tuna sandwich. Tuna is very healthy for you. If you are like me, and like to add mayo to your tuna, try to cut down on the amount you add. It still tastes great! Also, low fat mayo would be the best choice if that is the case. Another great idea would be to add little pieces of celery to your tuna; it makes it taste a lot fresher!
Image: m_bartosch /

Some other great ideas for lunches are things such as apple sauces, apples, and trail mix. You can also try low fat cheeses with whole wheat crackers. These ideas are all healthy for you, but also yummy at the same time!

When it comes to drinks, the best way possible to cut down calories is to drink water. Water has 0 calories and still quenches your thirst. If water isn't your thing, stick to juices with low sugars, or even a green tea.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Breakfast Meal Plan

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are many foods that are so important and good for you, especially for breakfast to get your day off to a good start. A great healthy start to your day can be put together very easily. There are certain foods that people may or may not like, so here are a few healthy breakfast ideas.

If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy eating yogurt like me, then here is a great breakfast idea that you may want to try. Get a bowl and put in some vanilla yogurt or any yogurt flavour of your choice. Then add in some blueberries and strawberries or any kind of berry you may want to add in and then add in some granola or almonds. This meal is delicious and tasty, and will satisfy that sweet tooth of yours.


Image: Paul /
Image: Paul /
For those of you who prefer cereal in the morning, try some new healthy cereals like “Special K” and add some berries and fruit to it then add in your milk. Also remember that milk is great for you and would be a great start to your day. I like Special K’s new cereals with the fruit already included, for example, their blueberry cereal. Cereal is a great meal for breakfast because it’s quick, healthy, and easy to prepare.

Another great meal for breakfast is to have a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. If your one of those people who likes toast in the morning, instead of adding peanut butter, why not make yourself some eggs, hard boiled, or even egg whites, however you like them and have that with some toast. Eggs are high in cholesterol and high in protein and are great to eat for breakfast. Even if you don’t want the toast and prefer the eggs alone, that’s also a great way to get your day off to a good start.

There are plenty of healthy drinks to have in the morning or anytime of the day. Some great cold drinks for breakfast are milk, orange juice, or if you prefer, make yourself a fruit shake. Chop up some fresh fruit and create a wonderful beverage that will satisfy your sweet, but healthy cravings. Green Tea is also a very important beverage for anytime of the day because it is an antioxidant, so if you like to have that warm beverage in the morning here is a great idea.

Image: m_bartosch /
These are all some of the different meals that will get your day off to a good healthy start. So if you’re looking to stay healthy and eat healthy in the comfort of your own home, try out these great breakfast meals!